Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years.

Not sure what's going on tonight when I get out of work. Colby is getting dropped off here at somepoint and then we are going downtown. But from there I have no clue. Hopefully we hook up with some friends and find a place to hang out.

Not real resolutions or anything. Just to save up money and pay off this car and keep it clean and shit. And have an awesome summer full of friends and the rope swing.

Hope everyone has a safe night.

Pizza Hut.

Why did you take 30.78 from my account yesterday when I paid 10.18? Seriously, what the fuck is with these places taking more then they are supposed to.


I bought a 06 jeep wrangler unlimited today. I love it. It was destiny. I pick it up on Friday and I can't wait. I want it now... It's got the extended cab which means bigger back seat and trunk area. It's all black and all black interior. It really is amazing. I've always wanted a jeep! Actually I'm gonna post a pic.

Pretty much it, minus the stupid lights above the windshield.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

sum 41.

Is amazing and one of the few bands still together after so long. They continue to put out amazing cd's one after another. And they play what they want to play. Their sound hasn't changed and that's what I love about them. They are awesome dudes. They used to be a 4 piece, but the 2nd guitarist left the band during the writing of the most recent album which was a success.


I went to my tattoo shop last night to get my left hand tattoo'd. Tony was working and said he wouldn't tattoo my hand. I was like why not! And he said that it wouldn't look good since i dont have like sleeves or whatev. I was like, I only wanna get these 3 fingers done on the inside though. And then he was like ohhhhh, well then that's different! hehe

fuck this place.

Colby and I rented a room at this place Saturday night. We each gave our cards, and split the room total. and took cash from everyone else. Well the toom was $48.50. my card shoulda only been charged 24. Same with colby. My card got charged $74. Colby was charged $56. WHAT THE FUCK. So we are going in tomorrow to talk to a manager. But like... wtf. Thats ridic.


was so good today. best buds.


haha seriously fucking watch this.
its only 5 minutes.
you will apreesh it ben.

(NJFILMCORE.COM) X the movie X from njfilmcore on Vimeo.

Monday, December 29, 2008


Is an indie/rock/amazing band. They remind me of lydia, dear and the headlights, and some other bands, but they sound so amazing. It's been awhile since I've listened. But I was talkin to a friend just now who reminded me of them. If you get the time, check them out. So good.


Friday, December 26, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008


This sleeve is simply that. Amazing.
The colors are just ridiculous, and the art is crazy.


Is still so good. It's been a little bit since i've listened, but since I'm seeing them saturday I thought I'd refresh my memory. and fuckkkk. Invasions of the mind is such a good cd. So check them out.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

All This Was.

Has finally been shipped to me.
After waiting for 16 days....
the dvd and shirt finally showed up today!

Still here.

And still alive.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


colby comes home today. the wait is over.

i wish i was happier though.

nothing about today has gone right so far.
and plans for later arent even happening.
oh well i guess.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


is on a date right now. I think it's funny.
justtt sayinnnn!


I have the weirdest dreams. I had one last night with you of all people. Not you or you, but you. It was so weird. And the setting was just me on my lappy sitting on my bed. And when I woke up I was reaching for my lappy. It was so weird. So I went online to see if what my dream had was online... but it wasn't and I kinda felt weird. But it's ok cause it was just a dream!

My arms doing good. My shoulder has just about finished healing. It was pretty much done Monday when i decided I'm gonna go add more to the back of my arm. So now my arms sore again and I have to watch myself and make sure I dont bump walls! haha.... But yea, my arms healing pretty nicely. I'm happy with it.

I can't wait for this weekend! It's going to be the best. Only bad thing is I get out of work at 7am Saturday morning and I have to be back at 3pm to work till 11pm. But colby comes home Saturday around 5pm. And he's gonna meet me at my work then we are going down to Boston to see Magz and people! So excited. I love Boston.


haha i love this!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

my life my way.

I got tattood again today and added to my arm.
And no. It's not a straight edge tattoo.
Stop asking. Thanks.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

wear your heart.

Lately I've been more into this band. I wasn't a fan of them a few years ago for whatever reasons. But over the past year I've listened more and more and they're the next big thing in straight edge hardcore. Once Have Heart and Verse break up in February I think it's safe to say the Effort will be on top. They have 2 records and another coming out with in the next month. I'm posting this one since it's hard to find now. But go support them.

download here


think back to the summer time.
i would cross through these state lines.
you were always on my mind.
it should not be this hard to see.
how to get from point a to b.
without losing sleep.


you chose the outcome.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008