Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I have the weirdest dreams. I had one last night with you of all people. Not you or you, but you. It was so weird. And the setting was just me on my lappy sitting on my bed. And when I woke up I was reaching for my lappy. It was so weird. So I went online to see if what my dream had was online... but it wasn't and I kinda felt weird. But it's ok cause it was just a dream!

My arms doing good. My shoulder has just about finished healing. It was pretty much done Monday when i decided I'm gonna go add more to the back of my arm. So now my arms sore again and I have to watch myself and make sure I dont bump walls! haha.... But yea, my arms healing pretty nicely. I'm happy with it.

I can't wait for this weekend! It's going to be the best. Only bad thing is I get out of work at 7am Saturday morning and I have to be back at 3pm to work till 11pm. But colby comes home Saturday around 5pm. And he's gonna meet me at my work then we are going down to Boston to see Magz and people! So excited. I love Boston.

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